Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Note From Down Under

I know someone once said if I ever tried to stop doing The Soul Pitt they would chain me up in a room to a desk with a laptop and internet connection and force me to continue. Somewhat like the movie Misery. Needless to say, I was very flattered, but also VERY AFRAID of this individual (LOL).

I get a lot of SoulFan Mail from people from all over the USA who love The Soul Pitt. Here's one I got from down under that was really special:

Thank you so much for this website. It allows me to keep up with the happenings in the Burgh. Living in Australia can get very lonely at times. I’ve lived in this country since finishing college. Came here to play pro ball and forgot where I was from for a while there. But know I am trying to connect with the old hood. It’s great to see black people coming up. And it is a beautiful thing seeing a young Sister making thing happen. Keep up the good work and I hope to one day say thanks personally.

Much Love, Tony W

Wow that was really nice - and then I thought - we got Brothas from the Burgh living in Australia! Pittsburghers are all over this world doing BIG things. Thank you Tony.

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